The Uses of Polyurethane Scraper

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The Uses of Polyurethane Scraper

Categories: PU blade and squeegees

Application: The Uses of Polyurethane Scraper


Main description:

The Uses of Polyurethane Scraper


The Uses of Polyurethane Scraper


1. Transport medium


First of all, the polyurethane scraper is used on the conveyor, which can become the conveying medium in the transportation process. The polyurethane scraper is successfully used to lift the conveyor and then transport related materials. However, this requires the polyurethane scraper to be used together with the scraper machine, but Polyurethane scrapers have high-quality properties such as oil resistance, water resistance, and wear resistance. Therefore, polyurethane scrapers can not only serve as a conveying medium during transportation, but also be responsible for controlling the running track of conveying.


2. Cleaning


The cleaning function of the polyurethane scraper is also neglected. In the transportation process of various industries such as coal mines, electric power, mines, and steel, it is necessary to use polyurethane scrapers to realize the cleaning effect on the conveyor. Some sundries and sticky materials are attached. At this time, the polyurethane scraper can be used to clean well. Not only can it be cleaned without leakage, but it will not cause any damage to the machine during the entire use process, and it will not There is no noise.


3. Other functions


Polyurethane scraper uses polyurethane as raw material, so it has very high-quality characteristics, can well meet various processing techniques, and can also be customized and designed for size requirements, so in addition to the more common uses above, polyurethane scraper It also has a wide range of applications in other fields, such as scraping materials with polyurethane scrapers, or cleaning materials of roller type.




