Advantages, Characteristics and Applications of Polyurethane Lining

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Advantages, Characteristics and Applications of Polyurethane Lining

Categories: PU coating and lining

Application: Advantages, Characteristics and Applications of Polyurethane Lining


Main description:

Advantages, Characteristics and Applications of Polyurethane Lining


Advantages, Characteristics and Applications of Polyurethane Lining


·Reduced wear which increases the lifespan of plant and equipment

·Low friction coefficient so less energy is required to move materials

·Reduce plant downtime

·Internal shape of pipe can differ from external as a mould is inserted in to cast fitting and the polyurethane is cast between pipe and mould. 

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Outstanding features:

·High Abrasion Resistance Suitability to Different Finishing Media.

·Guaranteed bonding with metal surface.

·Custom-made shapes such as spiral,radial and corrugated surface profiles.

·Available in different shore hardness as per customers requirements.

·Preferred by leading indian OEMs of finishing equipments.

·Sheet steel vulcanized with abrasion resistance polyurethane.

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Typical applications:

·Vibro finishing Bowls,

·Barrels & Drums Centrifugal Finishing Machine.

·Ball Mills linings.

·Pipe Linings

·Chute Linings & hopper linings.

·Pump liners & impellers.

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