General Advantages and Characteristics of Polyurethane Products

Author:General Advantages and Characteristics of Polyurethane Products     Date Posted:17 Apr 2023

General Advantages and Characteristics of Polyurethane Products:


1. Good wear resistance: polyurethane products have excellent wear resistance


2. Wide range of hardness: the hardness of polyurethane products is about Shore A10-D80, while the hardness of ordinary rubber is generally Shore A60-100. It is worth noting that polyurethane elastomers can have elongation of 400-800% in this hardness range. The hardness of natural rubber is Shore A70 when the elongation rate is 550.


3. High strength and high elongation.


4. Excellent oil resistance: the oil resistance of polyurethane products is better than that of nitrile rubber; the aging resistance is better than that of natural rubber and other synthetic rubbers; in terms of hydrolysis resistance, acid resistance and alkali solution erosion, polyether type PUR is better than polyester type PUR .


5. Polyurethane products have excellent characteristics such as light capacity, high strength, heat insulation, sound insulation, flame retardant, cold resistance, acid and alkali resistance, non-absorbent, simple and quick construction, etc. Indispensable materials for thermal insulation, waterproof plugging, sealing, etc.

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