Advantages of polyurethane coating

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Advantages of polyurethane coating

Categories: Polyurethane coated products

Application: Advantages of polyurethane coating


Main description:

Advantages of polyurethane coating


Advantages of polyurethane coating:


(1) good physical and mechanical properties.Its film is hard, bright, flexible,strong adhesion, wear  resistant.


(2) excellent corrosion resistance.It is resistant to oil, acid, chemicals and industrial waste gases.


(3) better aging resistance than epoxy coating.Used as topcoat or primer.


(4) polyurethane resin can be miscible with a variety of resins, and the mixing formula can be adjusted to meet various requirements for use.


(5) can be solidified at room temperature or heat curing, low temperature even arrived at 0℃ can cure.


(6) pipe products coated with polyurethane have a long service life.

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